The White Rabbit
In 1998, an F5 tornado landed in our back yard. The White Rabbit lives in our woods, and was forcefully flipped upside down with its ears driven hard into the dirt. Finding him among the chaos, we gently turned him right side up, and he’s been on the lookout ever since.
Yesterday, he reminded me of such unexpected life experiences that flip our world upside down. At first, it’s hard, even painful; yet, most find a way to right ourselves, adapt and survive. Seasons still change, birds still sing, and life unfolds in the same way as it before, except, we may have been too busy or sidetracked to notice.
Like The White Rabbit, we can renew ourselves, refreshen our appreciation for life’s simple pleasures, and be on the lookout for sudden changes that drive us closer to God, and the natural rhythms of His creation.