The TJ MAXX Plate

Who remembers shopping at TJ Maxx as a kid? My mother and I began our shopping experience at this retail establishment when I was 15 years old. That was 45 years ago. When this new store came to town, we found good quality clothes at a fraction of the cost. It quickly became a tradition for us, a treasure trove of finds that brought joy and excitement with each visit.

When I was 20 years old, I vividly recall TJ Maxx introducing a new overstock housewares section in the back of the store. At the time, I was young, deep in school debt, and working full-time. One day, as I browsed through the aisles, I eye-spied the most amazing hand-painted plate from Italy. It was a piece of art—elegant, detailed, and utterly mesmerizing. I quickly grabbed it, held onto it, and admired its beauty, debating whether I could afford such a special find.

I pondered and labored over my decision for 20 minutes. Shoppers passed by, also noticing my unusual treasure, occasionally making remarks on its fineness. I felt torn. Could I justify the expense? Ultimately, I talked myself out of it, placed it back on the shelf, and continued my shopping.

Fifteen minutes later, regret settled in. I had changed my mind. This plate, this one-of-a-kind piece, belonged with me. I rushed back to the aisle to claim it as my own—but it was gone. Snatched up by another keen-eyed shopper. My heart sank. That moment has stayed with me for 45 years.

How many of us have had similar experiences? Moments where hesitation led to missed opportunities? As time passed, I made a personal promise—any handmade work of art that truly thrilled my heart, I would embrace. I’m not talking about impulse buying. I’m talking about pieces that make your heart sing, that speak to you on a deeper level.

As I’ve grown, I’ve also come to appreciate the joy of sharing these treasures. When the time comes that I’ve outgrown a beloved piece or my home has become too full, I find equal pleasure in passing it on. A well-loved item should continue its journey, bringing joy to someone else as it once did for me. Some of my family’s antiques have been cherished through generations, each owner treasuring them as the original aficionado once did.

There is great blessing in both giving and receiving. Handmade and hand-crafted original designs are born from a labor of love—something no mass production could ever match. These items carry stories, emotions, and connections, making them timeless treasures that weave themselves into the fabric of our lives.


The White Rabbit


The Pearl Ring